Episode 96 – Sedimentary, My Dear Watson

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Mountains: you can be on them, near them, and maybe even under them if things aren’t going great for you. Here’s an ep about that!

Jake’s up first, with both a PSA about not believing every viral video you see AND a story about ghostly experiences in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Is The Presence of Mount Washington real, or are people just freaking themselves out on a windy peak? Nail down a pair of boots and find out!

Following an especially visceral round of Shadowlands Roulette, Wyatt describes the Sheppton Mine disaster, complete all the popes that were definitely there and the Louises who definitely weren’t. But who among us hasn’t wanted to make at least A FEW burgers out of our friends and coworkers, I mean REALLY.

What even are release dates, anyway? Nobody knows! Here’s a new episode of Superduperstitious.


Merch Shop

Ball lightning nonsense


Article on The Presence
Jake’s Lakes of the Clouds video
Episode 76
Rime ice
Final story


Sheppton Mine disaster
Citizen’s Voice
Skeptical Inquirer
Interview with Maxim W. Furek
Interview with Henry

Episode 73-96Jacob Withee