Episode 93 – 2020 = 20 + 20

Context-Free Creature Doodle (500x500).jpg

It’s a brand new year! And what better way for Superduperstitious to start that year than by biting off more than it (or at least Jake) can chew?

That’s right, the boys have lost their entire minds and brought you a full FORTY stories throughout one ludicrously jam-packed TWO-HOUR episode, all in overzealous service to a convoluted “2020” theme. You want ghosts? Crawlers? Sasquatches? Gnomes?! They’re all here, baby. And if this ep doesn’t scare you, it’ll at least astonish you with how quickly it loses its way. We’re talking, five stories deep TOPS.

Crank up the volume and settle in for some well-deserved bonus content (or bone ‘tent) to kick off another year of Superduperstitious!


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Tree-like creature
Yellow smiley balloon
Black-eyed kids
Li'l doodle
Creepy gnome-like creature
Billy Corgan shapeshifter
Tree People of Maine
Creature on the roof (VIDEO)
The Devil Scratched Me
The White Thing
Bigfoot soundz
Dream about weird rabbit-like creature This shit keeps haunting me
Who is in the tree?
Child observes "gorilla"
Survivalist board
Man or ape?


(Links coming soon)

Episode 73-96Jacob Withee