Episode 173 – Ain't No Fins for Bats


Stuff dies all the time, and sometimes those dead things are weird looking! This is two of those times.

Wyatt leads with the Rhodope skull, the mysterious bone specimen that folks were only too excited to immediately label an alien. And don’t get him STARTED on the Adygea skulls! Jake then hops on the alien train with the Kovahsi creature, also known as Kesha. What’s little and desiccated and doesn’t have wings, no matter how many publications say otherwise? Google Translate will save us!

“Horn core” is pretty fun to say. And that’s about all I’ve got left in the tank for this episode description.


All-purpose show links

Four Phantoms email: fourphantomsbeer@gmail.com
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Ancient Code
Rhodope skull explained


Russian newscast video
Image of Kesha
Russian chupacabra article
Mysterious Universe article
Daily Mail article

Episode 168-191Jacob Withee