Episode 168 – Survival of the Storytelling-est


October begins, and with it, a whole month of special guests! How else would we make this month stand out?

This first episode features the fantastic Christa, who weaseled her way into a podcast appearance by sheer will! Luckily she makes up for it with a fantastic discussion of the anthropological functions of scary stories and storytelling in general. So don’t pretend like this isn’t still a science show!

Grab some candy corn or whatever and buckle in, because October starts… a few days ago!!


All-purpose show links

Four Phantoms email: fourphantomsbeer@gmail.com
Four Phantoms website
Four Phantoms store


Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari
The Deepest Well by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris
“The Last Human” (from Kurzgesagt)
“When Time Became History” (from Kurzgesagt)

“hahahrawrrahaha” (Ian Malcolm remix by FLIPSHOT)

Episode 145-168Jacob Withee